Grants For Enhancing Educational and Vocational Opportunities for the Next Generation

GrantID : 61301
Grant Funding Amount Low: $700,000
Grant Amount High: $1,500,000
Deadline : February 18, 2025

Funding opportunities committed to providing essential funding for programs that support education, occupational skills training, and employment services for opportunity youth, addressing the unique needs of young individuals facing barriers to education and employment. The provider also aims to empower and equip opportunity youth with the necessary skills and resources to pursue meaningful educational and vocational pathways...


  • Community Development & Services
  • Education
  • Employment, Labor & Training Workforce
  • Non-Profit Support Services
  • Youth/Out-of-School Youth

Eligible Requirements

  • Native American Tribal Organizations (Federally recognized)
  • Native American Tribal Organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments)
  • Non-Profit Organizations with 501(c)(3) designation
  • Non-Profit Organizations with Fiscal Sponsor
  • Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
  • Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
  • Private institutions of higher education
  • Public and State controlled institutions of higher education

Eligible Regions

  • Alabama (USA)
  • Alaska (USA)
  • Arizona (USA)
  • Arkansas (USA)
  • California (USA)
  • Colorado (USA)
  • Connecticut (USA)
  • Delaware (USA)
  • Florida (USA)
  • Georgia (USA)
  • Hawaii (USA)
  • Idaho (USA)
  • Illinois (USA)
  • Indiana (USA)
  • Iowa (USA)
  • Kansas (USA)
  • Kentucky (USA)
  • Louisiana (USA)
  • Maine (USA)
  • Maryland (USA)
  • Massachusetts (USA)
  • Michigan (USA)
  • Minnesota (USA)
  • Mississippi (USA)
  • Missouri (USA)
  • Montana (USA)
  • Nebraska (USA)
  • Nevada (USA)
  • New Hampshire (USA)
  • New Jersey (USA)
  • New Mexico (USA)
  • New York (USA)
  • New York City (USA)
  • North Carolina (USA)
  • North Dakota (USA)
  • Ohio (USA)
  • Oklahoma (USA)
  • Oregon (USA)
  • Pennsylvania (USA)
  • Rhode Island (USA)
  • South Carolina (USA)
  • South Dakota (USA)
  • Tennessee (USA)
  • Texas (USA)
  • Utah (USA)
  • Vermont (USA)
  • Virginia (USA)
  • Washington (USA)
  • Washington, DC (USA)
  • West Virginia (USA)
  • Wisconsin (USA)
  • Wyoming (USA)