Terms and conditions

Grant Alert Newsletter is FREE: The Global Institute of Finance offers multiple subscriptions including a free subscription plan, the Grant Alert Newsletter. This requires no credit card for signup. Alerts are sent multiple times each week and sometimes daily depending on new grants added to site. By signing up for any subscription, you agree to the Terms of Service and Conditions described herein. The Site may amend or modify these Terms of Service and Conditions at any time. Inquiries of a general nature may be made via email to info@global-if.com or through the Contact Us tab on this website. Subscriptions can be canceled at anytime. By signing up to The Global Institute of Finance, you are automatically enrolled into the Grant Alert Newsletter. The Grant Alert Newsletter may be directed to spam or junk folders, or may be blocked by your email provider or third-party programs. Grant Alert Newsletters can be unsubscribed at any time by clicking “unsubscribe” in the footer of the email.

Paid Subscriptions are Auto-Renew: All Subscriptions are set as Auto-Renew for your convenience in order to receive uninterrupted grant notifications and access to grant information. You may cancel your subscription and opt-out of the Auto-Renew at any time by accessing your My Account dashboard and updating your Subscription. Subscriptions are billed at the start of each subscription period according to the plan you chose – Premium (weekly), Elite (monthly) or Enterprise (yearly). The Global Institute of Finance automatically continues your subscription and charges the subscription fee until you cancel and opt-out of Auto-Renew. Prices subject to change without notice.

You will have access to The Grant Portal until your current subscription expires. Your future subscription will be canceled and no further amounts will be charged. Remember if you unsubscribe from the Grant Alerts newsletter, this does not unsubscribe or cancel your paid subscription.

Refund Policy: The Global Institute of Finance does not offer any refunds, returns or exchanges for any reason. Payments cannot be refunded, even if you cancel immediately after making payment. The Global Institute of Finance makes no guarantees that the grant seeker will find a grant of a specific need, will be awarded a grant or that the grant provider’s information is accurate at the time the grant is viewed. Details of a grant are provided on the grant provider’s website and are subject to change without notice. The Global Institute of Finance offers a subscription service that provides information for grants. You as the Subscriber commit to a Subscription by entering your payment information and confirming payment. If the Subscription is canceled, no future Subscription will be charged.

Copyrighted Material: The Global Institute of Finance contains material that is derived from Global Institute of Finance Global Institute of Finance’s website and other public websites. The configuration, textual content, layout, design, colors and format in which the material is displayed on The Grant Portal is copyrighted. You may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute in any way, any material from this site. Any such activity is deemed unlawful, violates the copyright of The Global Institute of Finance, violates the terms and conditions of the use of the Site, will result is immediate termination of the Subscription and may cause litigation against you.

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Subscriber: A Subscriber is any person or entity who has created an account on the Site. A Subscriber either has a non-paid subscription (Grant Alert Newsletter) or paid subscription (Premium, Elite or Enterprise). The Content may be only used exclusively by a Subscriber for personal use or the Subscribers organization’s private and non- commercial use. A Subscriber is entitled to view up to a maximum of 75 grant per day. A Subscriber may not share, distribute or authorize the use of the its username or password to any third party. A Subscriber attempting to access more than 75 grants per day is exercising unacceptable use and consequently the subscription is subject to immediate termination.

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Acceptance: Registered and Subscription Users, by his/her access to and/or use of thegrantportal.com hereby acknowledges his/her acceptance to the above-stated Terms of Service and agrees to be bound hereby.

Disclaimers: global-if.com does not guarantee the completeness, accuracy, relevance, or timeliness of the information contained on this website and any information may be changed at any time without notice. It is the viewer’s responsibility to contact the funding source, view the URL, and review the RFP’s (timelines and information pertaining to the funding opportunity). If the Deadline date or Close date displayed on www.thegrantportal.com is ‘On Going’, this indicates the grant provider awards grants on an annual basis. If Grant Funding Amount displayed as ‘open’, this indicated the grant provider is open to reviewing requests for any reasonable amount. Throughout www.thegrantportal.com, you will find links to information on other websites. We provide these links solely to help users find additional information that may be useful. Once you leave the global-if.com website, you will be subject to the privacy and security policies of the owners/sponsors of the outside website.